Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Promoting The Father/Daughter Relationship

I have met many fathers over the years who have questioned how to have the best possible relationship with their daughter.   At first it seems much like a mystery to many men, but in reality, it is really quite straight forward.  The most important thing you can do for your daughter is to spend time with her.  Bring her shopping with you, let her help you with your projects. Go on a father daughter date to dinner and a movie.  Go to the park with her, play ball with her, play board games with her, teach her your favorite card game. Just spend time talking to her about her life and stories about your childhood.  Build her self-esteem and tell her what you love and admire about her and compliment her on her successes and accomplishments. Encourage her to pursue her dreams. As she matures into a young woman, it is even more important to spend quality time with her and talk about issues teens’ face, issues in the world, and her opinions about what is happening both in her life and in the world. Most importantly, be honest with her and value her, and this is what she will expect from other men in her life.  

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